Monday, May 20, 2013

The Covering

   The sheep we have are katahdins. They are a hair sheep. They don't have wool. Instead, they have a wool-like covering they shed in the spring. They look a little scraggly this time of year as they are shedding. They can often be seen rubbing up against the fence for a little help in getting this covering off. 
   I wasn't born with a covering but I took one on after the childhood abuse. It was a covering of guilt and shame and self-loathing. After I became a Christian, I began to shed it but it hung on tenaciously.
It clung to me for years, like a bad odor, refusing to move on. It affected my thoughts and actions and image of myself for a long time.
   I'm free of it now. I quit listening to Satan's lies about myself and began to believe God's Word. God's Word says that I am covered with a robe of righteousness.
"I am overwhelmed with joy in the Lord my God! For He has dressed me with the clothing of salvation and draped me in a robe of righteousness", Isaiah 61:10.


  1. Amen! Earlier, driving on my way home, I started listening to my old CD...My heart was awed when the song "In Christ Alone" played...Glory be to the sacrifice Jesus did...Everything is indeed beautiful...because of Him...Blessings.

  2. Beautiful Peggy; what a joyful praise my friend!
    Blessings sweet sister,

  3. I am so amazed at how God is using your sheep for such inspiring analogies...But then He has always chosen sheep to help us understand more about our shepherd!
    ~Blessings and love~

  4. I'm sorry it took so long for Me to get back to you.My husband took Me on a wonderful vacation for a two week road trip to Victoria BC.,as a reward for losing all those lbs.Your life is an example of just how great our God is-AMAZING HE is! Denise

  5. What a beautiful correlation! It never ceases to amaze me what lessons God has built into nature. Thank you for sharing this one.
