Monday, August 8, 2011

Girls Just Wanna Have Fun!

I went to Little Rock this weekend to celebrate my and my two daughter's birthdays, which are all in August; and to spend time with three of my beautiful grandaughters. The 15 year old was in a performance at the Rep Theatre called "The 80s Show". She's into dancing and drama and is quite good at it. The six year old adores her and wants to be just like her and in fact they are a lot alike, all girlie, girlie, and they both love to dance and perform.The seven month old is just starting to crawl and boy, is she fast. It didn't take her long to be into the other girls' stuff. We had a lot of fun. There's nothing I'd rather do than spend time with my grandaughters. That's all I have to say today, nothing profound or enlightening. Just "Thank heaven for little girls" and Praise the Lord for grandaughters!


  1. Happy birthday, Peggy. May the coming year be filled with blessings. So glad you had this time with your granddaughters. They are so pretty.

  2. Peggy, glad you were able to enjoy your grandkids. Blessings to you dear one.

  3. You DO understand about grandkids don't you! Glad you could celebrate together.

    May the heat wave break soon......
