Thursday, April 5, 2012

Cross Gazing

This week, I'm going to spend more time gazing on the cross. I can't think of any better way to spend my time. When I gaze on the cross:

*I realize that I am less than nothing, that no good thing lives in me except what I have because of Jesus.

*I realize that because Jesus lives in me, I have all things; he is the remedy for all my ills, the solution for all my problems, the fulfillment of all my longings.

*I see a love so lavish, so vast, so all encompassing, that it takes my breath away and knocks me to my knees.

*I see a body that raised up to take the full measure of punishment so that I wouldn't have to take any punishment for sins I've committed.

*I see unmerited favor, unexplainable riches, grace that looked upon the mess of my life with lovingkindness and faithfully transformed it into something beautiful.

* I see the end of my dead end life that was going nowhere good, and the beginning of a great love that opened my eyes, softened my heart, and set my feet on a solid path.

*I see the precious blood flowing off of His pierced body, and I want nothing more than to drink that glorious blood until all that's left of me is His blood flowing freely through my body.


  1. I agree with everything that you said. One time, I was exercising and the mental picture of a "cross" kept appearing in my mind. So, I asked the Lord, while short of breath what He wanted me to get from the mental pic.

    It took a few days, I got my answer that it is also a "plus" sign in Math (+)...How true! I thought...With Jesus, everything becomes a "plus" in our lives. Glory be to God!May this special season remind us of His sacrificial love!

  2. Peggy this is a wonderful post. I love the title of it. Like a pun. Blessings to you at this special time of the year. Hugs my friend.

  3. It is impossible to fathom the whole of what was/is wrought on that cross, and out of that empty tomb. How grateful I am for the amazing grace born of that amazing, willing sacrifice.

    A blessed resurrection memorial to you & yours,
