Wednesday, November 21, 2012

No More Lonely

   I am an only child. I was lonely much of the time growing up. My parents both worked and I spent a lot of time alone. After the abuse I tried to make myself invisible and never felt like I belonged to whatever group I was in.
   One of the great blessings of my life was marrying into my husband's family. Now I have two brother-in-laws and their wives and families, two stepsons and their families, and our two daughters and their families. We all get together for Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Easter.
   Being with family during the holidays is my favorite time. I can't wait until they start arriving today, even with the invariable drama, tears, and bickering. Even so, family is a good and precious gift, and I thank the Lord for mine.
   "Whatever is good and perfect comes down to us from God the Father, who created all the lights in the heavens", James 1:17. NLT


  1. Heartwarming, dear Peggy, as usual! Happy Thanksgiving and enjoy your lovely family. God really restores.

  2. Thank God for all the relationships He has given us especially families!!! Have an awesome Thanksgiving!

  3. I trust your Thanksgiving was as joyful as the years gone by. In the midst of 'stuff' that tends to drag us down we can find so much for which to be thankful can't we!

    It sounds as though you have a great family!

  4. So wonderful to see how God has filled your life with the abundance that only He can craft. He knew exactly what would fill the loneliness voids of your youth. Beautiful family!

  5. Thank you dear Peggy for sharing in words and pictures. Love the Scripture verse. Blessings.
